news & views — children and allergy
Exposure to cleaning products in first 3 months of life can increase risk of asthma
Posted by Janet Rhodes on
Research has linked exposure to cleaning products to asthma in adults. Now, results of a CHILD study into exposure among infants have shown a similarly increased risk.
Has baby had its Weetabix? Study shows breakfast cereals guard against gluten allergy
Posted by Janet Rhodes on
A new study shows that introducing high doses of gluten to infants could offer protection against coeliac disease
Allergies more likely if infants are given anitibiotics
Posted by Janet Rhodes on

Babies given antibiotics during the first 6 months of life could be at heightened risk of developing allergies in later childhood. according to a recent study
Allergic to dogs? Neutering your male dog or getting a bitch may help
Posted by Janet Rhodes on

Researchers have discovered that many of those with Dog Allergy may only be allergic to male dogs
Are you allergic to Elastoplast?
Posted by Janet Rhodes on

If you react badly to sticking plasters there's a whole load of other products you should avoid.
Recent Articles
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- acne
- alcohol allergy
- allergy news
- allergy tests
- asthma
- cat allergy
- children and allergy
- coeliac disease
- coronavirus
- COVID-19
- dog allergy
- eczema
- Elastoplast allergy
- face masks
- feather allergy
- food allergy
- Food Sensitivity
- hand eczema
- hayfever
- ichthyosis
- itchy eyes
- milk allergy
- mould allergy
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- pet allergies
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- wheat allergy