news & views — allergy news
Allergy Testing - Knowledge is Power
Posted by Marianne Wilson on

We have introduced the World Leading ALEX 2 Allergy Test to our range, giving you access to the same comprehensive test that your doctor, consultant allergist or immunotherapist would use. It tests for nearly 300 allergens, covering all common allergens including dust mites, cat & dog fur, pollens and nuts, plus allergens you may not have thought of, such as moulds, venoms and insects.
- Tags: allergy news, allergy tests
Your Pillow - A Hotbed of Fungal Spores
Posted by Janet Rhodes on

Pillows are inhabited by the house dust mite, which thrives in the dark, moist environment of filled bedding.
Edible insects - delicacy or allergy risk?
Posted by Janet Rhodes on

Edible insects taste good, are nutritious and readily available.
- Tags: allergy news
Gene editing to end cat allergies
Posted by Janet Rhodes on
There have been some useful advances in the search for a solution to the miseries of allergic reactions to our beloved pets. A recent Allergy Best Buys blog post looked at the promising development of a vaccine against dog allergies. And now scientists are using cutting-edge technology to make allergic reactions to cats a thing of the past. It has been known for some time that a single gene and its protein Fel D 1 are the primary cause of 90 per cent of cat allergies. Researchers have mostly focussed on ways to neutralise the effects of the protein. But scientists at...
- Tags: allergy news, cat allergy
Where to inject your second Epipen shot
Posted by Janet Rhodes on
Concerns are being raised about where to administer adrenaline injections. Previous advice was to make the injection into the muscle on the outside of the thigh but the question being asked is whether the second dose - administered five minutes after the first if needed - should be in the same or different leg.
- Tags: allergy news
Recent Articles
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Allergy Testing - Knowledge is Power
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Your Pillow - A Hotbed of Fungal Spores
Edible insects - delicacy or allergy risk?
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