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news & views — food allergy

Does Food Sensitivity Differ from Food Allergy?

Posted by Marianne Wilson on

Does Food Sensitivity Differ from Food Allergy?
Is food your friend? If you suffer from uncomfortable digestive symptoms, low mood, fatigue or dermatological issues which you suspect may be due to food intolerance, read on. This article is for you!

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A New Nasal Test for Shrimp Allergy

Posted by Janet Rhodes on

A shrimp allergy test delivered with a dab of shrimp extract in the nostril is safe and reliable, Barcelona researchers report.

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Has baby had its Weetabix? Study shows breakfast cereals guard against gluten allergy

Posted by Janet Rhodes on

A new study shows that introducing high doses of gluten to infants could offer protection against coeliac disease 

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Tesco to give 10p per Free-from sale to Natasha Allergy Research Foundation

Posted by Janet Rhodes on

To mark World Allergy Week which runs from 28 June to 4 July, Tesco has announced it will donate 10p from the sale of every Tesco Free From product to the Natasha Allergy Research Foundation

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