Replacement Filter Cartridges for Pureau H+ Whole House Water Filters
Important - Read this before ordering.

Your Pureau H+ Whole House Water filter comes already fitted with the necessary cartridges to filter your water. It also comes with three further refills to recharge the ION cartridge at the end of every 3 months during in the first year.
For after the first year we have tried to make things simple by offering two different packs to keep your water filter running at peak efficiency.
When the first year is up you will need more cartridges/refills. This is solved by our choice of Annual Bundle in Standard cartridge or Economy form (for the environmentally conscious).
Standard bundle contains 1 Carbon Filter Cartridge for canister 1 (1-year lifespan), 4 ion cartridges (three months lifespan)
Economy bundle contains 1 Carbon Filter Cartridge for canister 1 (1-year lifespan), or 1 Ion Cartridge and 3 refill bags for canister 3 (three months lifespan)
At the start of every 4th year of use, in addition to an annual bundle you will need the Pureau Hydrogenating Ceramic cartridge for canister 2, (3-year lifespan). Contact us by email and we will be happy to assist, ensuring you receive just the right 3-year cartridge to fit your Pureau filtration system. Email: